TCBCI--A Leading Provider of Building Information & Service in China

eBulletin is the reliable source for better project leads.
TCBCI started eBulletin from 2001 with the printed version. In 2003 eBulletin goes online and became and continues to be the core service of BUILDNET.CN. TCBCI acquired all China related business from BCI Asia in February 2008, including its project leads service in the mainland China. In 2015 eBulletin becomes available in pc, mobile, wechat and App.
  工程电讯提供新的拟在建工程项目线索,包含工程信息,工程招标,土地出让, 项目寻材等,提供的项目线索均经过专职团队核实。工程项目涵盖大陆全部省区市县,类别包含19大类、135个小类,类别齐全。
eBulletin has different service package to offer: Lite, Pro & VIP. Users can choose to pay per leads or per year. It also offer users the possibilities to earn credit by sharing leads information and with the credit to gain access to the leads of eBulletin.
Projects: key projects, bidding & tendering, land deals, featured projects, product demands;
Leads: project details, key contact, products specified, progress updates;
Key functions:
    + Search: quick search, search by leads, by company, by decision maker, by map, etc.
    + Action: export to word, excel, print, to mail box, etc.
    + Follow: add reminder, note, task;
    + Action: export to word, excel, print, to mail box, etc.
    + Manage: manage by group or by company;
    + Follow: add reminder, note, task;
    + Map: search, positioning and GPS.
eBulletin is also integrated via BUILDNET.CN with modules of network, share, to expand the connections, and to gain more access.
eBulletin has three versions: simple Chinese, traditional Chinese & English.
eBulletin is open for Free Trial. The list of leads can be viewed for free. Paid access is needed to view key information.
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